No kidding... time's flying.
How weird. Time seems to go faster and faster these days... haven't been back to the East cost in ages, although we'd be quite keen to grab some lunch/dinner with Miss Weed-worker and her frizzy latest accessory. On top of that, I'm trying to be crafty at work to prolongate my spell in academia-world. Being nice here, helpfull there, trying hard, and a bit harder, while everyone is drinking tea, more tea and even more tea. Doomed. As usual. A crappy student, not enough time, not enough funding to justify doing my own things. Oh well. Need to come up with something by the summer. Otherwise, job center. No pressure then. Otherwise, married life treating us well, can't complain, really. It's just living with someone as obsessed as I am with finding the next pot of gold to spend on some dodgy experiment... I'm not twenty-six stone yet, although gorgeing on Nutella more often than I should. I'm not quite the house-wife type yet, and, no fear on that side, probably will never be. I'm not wearing cardigans yet, probably 'cause i'm still as skint as I was while I was a student. My husband is still looking at me (sometime) and is massaging my feet at the mo, so I guess there still is a life after marriage. Treating this as a bit of a keep-in-touch, really, that's taking the piss. But hey, that was why I first started. And it's not like I've got anything clever to say, because I have not. Just the old same. Same crappy research, crappy buiding site I'm living in, crappy mockery of an adult life. That said, it's Gin time. Before litterature-bloody update time....
# mimile, le Samedi 15 Mars 2008, 19:01 dans "bienvenue sur l ile maudite".
Ecrit par kiara le Vendredi 21 Mars 2008, 14:31
Eh, tu m'as fait bien rire, mais apparemment le Steve n'aime pas le qualificatif de frizzy accessory... pfff, aucun humour ces brits... ;)
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Ecrit par kiara le Lundi 31 Mars 2008, 23:13
Et puis euh, surtout réponds pas à mes message et me présente pas ton accessoire hein Dany... (boo, je boude)
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Ecrit par mimile le Mercredi 26 Mars 2008, 17:22
j'ai cru comprendre que tu t'etais accessoirisée :) ... Still planning an East cost jaunt one of these days.. need to catch up!
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Thesis Update
Post-doc v 1.0
- Nice office
- Big lab
- Rebellious tec
- Too many papers to write
Book List
- Organic chrmistry
- NMR pour les nuls
et autres joyeusetes