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But just give them a ring....

The damn GC being broken again, my almighty supervisor kindly told me "we're not goin' to get somebody comin' down here to sort the bloody machine, sure you can do it... giv' 'hem a ring!". I did as he said and called the hotline.

Let's say I just started my final year, i'm a bit pissed with his abusive manners, and I want to breath. Seriously.
Anyway, I called Darrel, the nice and helpfull person from Agilent, who redirected me to a software engineer in the Netherlands. OK, fine. Peter is the kind of person who assumes that the world is ruled by computers. I'm not.

I was meant to start by deleting the screensaver, then switch off and back on everything. It still wasn't working. Let say as well that today I m driving to the prettiest city in the UK to pick up my fat grant cheque, before going to see my boyfriend. I love to skive off on thursday. Let say as well that I have a nice gel running, containing my dearest RACE-PCR samples, the ones that should bring me the last sequence information I need to undergo characterisation. Nevermind, that's the kind of experiments that obsess you for days [years in fact].

After spending about 30 minutes chatting with Peter, it became clear that I wouldn't enjoy today the marvellous food from the cantine. From a simple operation [deleting screensaver + copy/past a new method] I ended up defragmenting the bloody thing, compressing, deleting, editing, and so on. Only to find out it still doesn't work [hehe, what a surprise...]. It seems that I ll end up having to sort as well the FID detector [with a match, to test the ignition...] and reconfigure everything, and check the networking.
It will only take 30 minutes said Peter....


# mimile, le Jeudi 2 Octobre 2003, 12:36 dans "bienvenue sur l ile maudite".


absurdus : La bière c'est pas bon pour la santé (1)
absurdus : Coin (0)
absurdus : Cheick en blanc (2)
absurdus : Dans la série "le sport c'est pas bon pour la santé" (0)
absurdus : Longtemps je me suis couché deux bonnes heures (1)
absurdus : WTF moment (1)
Thesis Update
  • Viva still to come...

Post-doc v 1.0
  • Nice office
  • Big lab
  • Rebellious tec
  • Too many papers to write

Book List

  • Organic chrmistry
  • NMR pour les nuls
  • et autres joyeusetes

absurdus : La bière c'est pas bon pour la santé (1) N
absurdus : Coin (0) N
absurdus : Cheick en blanc (2) N
absurdus : Dans la série "le sport c'est pas bon pour la santé" (0) N
absurdus : Longtemps je me suis couché deux bonnes heures (1) N
absurdus : WTF moment (1) N
absurdus : We need to talk about Brad (0) N
absurdus : Bilan (3) N
absurdus : You don't want my touch (0) N
absurdus : All the girls wear Doc Martens (2) N
absurdus : Virilité mal placée (8) N
absurdus : Take me back (0) N
absurdus : Love stories (1) N
absurdus : Friendzone blues (1) N
absurdus : Disappointed? (1) N
absurdus : Terracentric (0) N

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